
The summer season is an exciting time to work at Costa's Family Fun Park. We're sure to have a great time while maintaining our reputation as a top-notch family-oriented recreational area. We're glad you'd like to join us!

We are still accepting applications for the summer of 2024 however our positions are quickly filling. If you are lifeguard certified or at least 18 years of age and willing to cook, we may be able to hire you depending on availability. All other applications will be kept on file for the season and if something becomes available, we will contact you. Costa's Family Fun Park looks for students and adults willing to supervise activities, certified lifeguards and adults willing to cook family favorites like burgers, hot dogs, chicken tenders and fries each summer.

To apply, please complete the form below which will be emailed to us automatically upon submission. We will follow up with an email back to you if we need more information.

Hold down the Control (Windows) or Command (Mac) button to select multiple options.

Thank you!

Your application has been sent. We will respond via email as soon as possible.

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